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After primarily playing shows in Europe, WORSHIP will be bringing different styles of drum and bass to North America. Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock, and 1991 will hit eight cities in the United States and two in Canada. 

“WORSHIP North America 2023” will begin in Chicago on March 23rd and end in San Francisco on April 8th. The tour announcement foreshadows the drum and bass takeover currently happening in the United States. 

WORSHIP is made up of Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock, 1991, MANT, and Oliver Winters

The first four producers will be blending their styles and incorporating aspects from multiple genres. Listeners are taken through a drum and bass journey that touches techno, melodic dubstep, bass, and overall dancefloor-worthy beats.

Culture Shock and Sub Focus dropped “Move Higher” in 2009. Nine years later, Sub Focus and Dimension collaborated in 2018 with their single “Desire” and have continued to work together for five years. Dimension and Culture Shock then went on to release two singles in 2020.

They all came together in the late 2010s and have played a handful of sets over the last few years. Their return to North America is highly anticipated and some cities have already sold-out, but don’t panic! Second shows have been added to many.

Get tickets for “WORSHIP North America” here






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