The new Seven Lions and Kill the Noise collab ID looks like it’s going to be a highlight of Seven Lions’ ‘Beyond The Veil’ tour.
This poses to be the latest chapter in Seven Lions‘ and Kill the Noise’s potent history. The producers are longtime collaborators and good friends, with their six prior collaborations dating back to 2017. They’ve also gone b2b at multiple festivals, toured together, and even have matching tattoos.

Their collabs consist of ‘Without You’, ‘The Blood’, its vip, ‘Pantheon’, ‘Horizon’, ‘Cold Hearted’, and it’s vip (which has not received an official release). And, now, this new behemoth, rumored to be titled ‘Moonlight’.
This new ID builds on similar tropes from that of ‘The Blood’. The track features corresponding dark undertones, eerie cord progressions, and even a sample from the video game ‘Bloodborne’, which is where ‘The Blood’ drew influence.
“Even in this darkest of nights, I see…the moonlight…”
The video game is also the inspiration behind their coinciding tattoos.
The clear intentional similarities makes this almost some sort of sequel, an unofficial ‘The Blood 2.0’.
The track has been on the future release radar for a little while now, as the first build and drop has been rinsed out by both Seven Lions and Kill the Noise at some of their more recent live shows.
Still, this latest rinse features what seems to be a completed project, providing us the aforementioned sample, a bridge guitar riff, the psytrance second drop, and another outro riff.
There has been no mention of an official release for the track yet, so for the time being, catch Seven Lions or Kill the Noise on tour for a chance to witness.