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Excision wrapped up Thunderdome in style with the first ever Excision (Detox) b2b Liquid Stranger set to close out the three-day event.

“A set for the ages.” “Best set I’ve ever seen.” “I’ll go anywhere on Earth if there’s another Excision Liquid Stranger set.” These are just a few examples of the overwhelmingly positive feedback that has followed the historic set.

In fitting fashion, the two industry legends immediately took the crowd to the sewers with a grungy unreleased intro ID.

*brain go brrrrrr*

The duo didn’t stop there. As the chaotic set raged on, Excision and Liquid Stranger slung a second ID which put the crowd into a chokehold. This one is reported to feature vocals from Grabbitz.

New b2bs often lead to unreleased collabs, but multiple, and especially the unprecedented “Liquid’s playing melodic??” really had the crowd shook.

These tracks, whether confirmed collabs or just other general banger IDs, will certainly be chases for many going forward.

If, like me, your FOMO is at an all-time high, and you’re interested in snagging some future serotonin for yourself, check out Excision and Liquid Stranger‘s websites for tour stops and music information.


Liquid Stranger:

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