Talented bass music producer Of The Trees has been cultivating unique, whimsical tracks since his debut. For some time, artists have been displaying visuals from popular video games as a way to seamlessly combine two interests of a large amount of fan base, creating the most epic experience.
Of The Trees has just announced on Twitter that he’ll be taking the next step in his career with a side project that no doubt captures the mysterious, magical essence of his music. Of The Trees is branching out in a way not many artists have by cultivating an entire video game with Nintendo for the Gameboy Nintendo Color.

Since he will be the mastermind behind the pixel art, soundtrack, storyline, and scripting, fans are sure that the game will exceed their expectations and accurately represent the elusive “lore” that his music resembles.
With this announcement, Of The Trees proves himself as both a well-rounded producer as well as a talented artist in many other aspects, impressing fans yet again. Since he is developing it independently and is the sole creative mind behind it, it’s expected to be very well articulated and for the ideas and concepts of the game to flow effortlessly with one another.

Of The Trees shared a teaser on Twitter following the announcement, showing the character’s journey through a pixelated forest. While there’s no definitive release date, he suggested it would be around two years or so before we see the game come to life. Needless to say, fans will be eagerly awaiting that date.